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Bureau Portfolio

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Academics Bureau

The Academics Bureau plays an important role in organising academic oriented events, and in producing weekly written content.  The bureau's pursuits are aimed at encouraging academic discourse and maintaining the professional brand of the Society.


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Publicity Bureau

The Publicity Bureau is an important limb of the Society responsible for maintaining a consistent digital presence. The bureau's job scopes include designing posters, promoting and publicising events, social media and website management as well as coordinating publicity strategy.  The bureau's consistent efforts hope to provide informational clarity on all things UM Law Society. 


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External Relations Bureau

The External Relations Bureau manages liaising with external organisations with the goal of providing professional development opportunities for students through the Society's flagship event, the Legal Executive Apprentice Program (LEAP). The bureau's vision is to both maintain current relationships and to further forge fresh relations with external parties to enhance the Society's professional engagements.


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Logistics & Student Welfare Bureau

The Logistics & Student Welfare Bureau plays an important role in assisting students in welfare-related matters, ensuring that their needs are met, whilst forging good relations between members of the faculty. The bureau also ensures all facilities in the faculty are safe and well-maintained.


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Sports Bureau

The Sports Bureau is an important arm of the Society striving to inculcate the spirit of sports and unity within students of the Law Faculty, encourage physical activity and exercise and encourage a balanced life. The bureau's aim is attainable through consistent efforts in providing opportunities for  members of the faculty to  participate in both mental health and fitness oriented events.

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